- 2022 Image Threads / Penumbra Foundation Photobook Long Term Program
- 2011 Diploma in Film editing, Tehran Institute of Technology, Tehran, Iran
- 2007 B.A in Photography, Art and Architecture Faculty of Azad University of Tehran, Iran
Teaching Experience
- 2010-2015 Part-time Professor, Tehran Institute of Technology, Tehran, Iran
- 2018 Half-Light, Gnomic Book publication, New York, US
- 2005 Daily Life, a research project on youth’s life in Iran, (Video art in collaboration
with Vanessa Lenger). Tehran,Iran
- 2016 The Saffron Tales: Recipes from the Persian Kitchen, Bloomsbury Publication.
- 2019 Small Image,Large Reflection, AG Gallery, Tehran,Iran
- 2017 A Piece of life, Homage to Abbas Kiarostami, E1 Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
- 2016 Disorder, Silk Road Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
- 2015 A Shot, a Look, House of Cinema, Tehran, Iran
- 2010 Photography and thought, National Library, Tehran, Iran
- 2007 Deeper Depression, Azad Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
- 2007 Treibsand, Switzerland Embassy, Tehran, Iran
- 2023 Urbanautica annual institute award, winner
- 2019 Fotolux festival, Lucca, Italy
- 2019 Unseen festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2019 Tehran Art Book fair, Tehran, Iran
- 2019 The Kitab Photo-book festival, Varanasi, India
- 2018 New York Art Book Fair. New York, US
- 2019 Verve Magazine, The Spirit of Today’s women
- 2018 Foto Room, Wallpaper magazine, Night Hawk NYC
- 2016 The Saffron Tales: Recipes from the Persian Kitchen, Bloomsbury Publication.
- 2007 Analyzing While Waiting: Contemporary Art in Tehran, DVD Magazine,
Curated by Prastou Forouhar and Susann Wintsch, Zurich, Switzerland